NOM/ NAME/ NOMBRE:    Ramon                                 

D. NAIX./ BIRTH DATE/ F. NACIM. :  19-10-1940






PAÍS/ COUNTRY/PAIS:    Espanya/Spain/España

TEL./ PHONE:     34-972-405121










Llicenciat en Enginyeria Química

Bachelor in Chemical Engineering Inst. Químic de Sarrià, Barcelona 1964

Licenciado en Ingenieria Química


Llicenciat en Ciències Químiques

Bachelor in Chemical Sciences Universitat de Barcelona 1970

Licenciado en Ciencias Químicas


Doctor en Enginyeria Química 

Ph. D. Chemical Engineer Inst. Químic de Sarrià, Barcelona 1968

Doctor en Ingenieria  Química


Doctor en Ciències Químiques

Ph. D. Chemical Sciences Universitat Autònoma Barcelona 1974

Doctor en Ciencias Químicas 













CÀRREC/ POSITION/CARGO:                            


Catedràtic/ Full Professor/Catedrático


Visiting Professor University of Ghent                 Belgium (Oct. 2004) 


Professor Emèrit                                                                     (Oct. 2011)                    





Universitat de Girona/ University of Girona/ Universidad de Girona

Institut de Química Computacional/ Institute of Computational Chemistry/ Instituto de Quimica Computacional


Campus de Montilivi. 17071 Girona



TEL/ PHONE: +34 972 418359

FAX: +34 972 418356 // 418361










 (R=Regular; C=Correct.)



























































             D-Investigador  principal/Main Researcher/Investigador principal


1. A: "Construcción de software para el análisis conformacional de moléculas de                 gran  tamaño, asi como para las medidas de semejanza molecular como medio           de síntesis de nuevos productos farmacéuticos potencialmente activos".

    B:  By  C.I.C.Y.T. FAR88-0617

    C:  1989-1992 (Quantity: 20.000.000.- pta)

    D: Prof. Ramon Carbó


2.A: "Utilització de la semblança molecular per al disseny de nous productes amb              propietats óptimes"

   B:   By: C.I.R.I.T. QFN91-4606 

   C:   1991-1993 (Quantity:10.000.000. -pta)

   D:  Prof. Ramon Carbó


3.A: "Primer seminari de Girona sobre semblança molecular"

         Acció especial dins el programa de "Quimica Fina"

   B:  By: C.I.R.I.T. QFN93-4480-E

   C:  1993 (Quantity:1.900.000.-pta)

   D: Prof. Ramon Carbó


4.A: Infraestructura. Ref: IN95-0633 


   C: 1996 (Quantity: 28.000.000.-pta) 

   D: Prof. Ramon Carbó


5.A: "Semejanza Molecular Cuántica y Relaciones Estructura- Actividad" 

        Ref: SAF96-0158-CO2-01

   B: By: CICYT

   C: 1996-1998 (Quantity:4.367.000.-Pts)

   D: Prof. Ramon Carbó


6. A: "Quantum Similarity" Ref. TXT96-1698

    B: By: CICYT

    C: 1996 (Quantity: 700.000.-Pts)

    D: Prof. Ramon Carbó





7. A:"Investigación cancerológica"

    B: By: Fundació Maria Francisca de Roviralta

    C: 1996 (Quantity:2.000.000.-Pts)

    D: Prof. Ramon Carbó



    B: By: European Community  ENV4 CT97-0508

        C: 1997-2000 (112.000 ECU)

        D: Prof. Ramon Carbó-Dorca


    9. A: "Mejora  trabajos de investigación y docencia"

        B: Fundació Mª Fª de Roviralta

        C: 1999 (Quantity: 2.231.840.-Pts)

        D: Prof. Ramon Carbó-Dorca


10.A. Infraestructura.PIR-99.Ref.1999-PIRA00163

        B. Direcció General de Recerca

        C. 1999 (Quantity: 1.200.000,-Pts)

        D. Prof. Ramon Carbó-Dorca


   11.A. "Estudio QSAR de compuestos antimalariales"

        B. Fundación Mª Fª de Roviralta

        C. 2000 (Quantity: 1.972.835,- Pts)

        D- Prof. Ramon Carbó-Dorca


12.A. Grups de recerca de Catalunya

     B. DGR. Comissionat per a Universitats i Recerca.

     C. 2000 (Quantity: 2.500.000,-Pts)

     D. Prof. Ramon CarbóDorca


13.A."Desarrollo de la teoria de la semejanza molecular cuántica en el entorno de                     modelos  QSAR para relacionar la estructura molecular con su actividad                         Biológica y para evaluar la toxicidad de compuestos orgánicos "

     B. Plan Nacional I+D; SAF2000-0223-C03-01

     C. 2000-2003 (Quantity: 5.631.000,-Pts)

     D. Prof. Ramon Carbó-Dorca


14.A."V Girona Seminar on Molecular Similarity"

     B. Generalitat de Catalunya. Direcció General de Recerca ARCS 2000.-202

     C. 2000 (Quantity: 200.000,-pts)

     D. Prof. Ramon Carbó-Dorca


15.A.Estancias Profesores Investigadores Año Sabático: Prof. Carlos Bunge                           (Universidad  Nacional Autónoma de México)

     B.Generalitat de Catalunya. Direcció General de Recerca PIV-2000

     C.2001-2002 (10 months)(Quantity:3.660.000,-PTA/ 21.035.42 €)

     D.Prof. Ramon Carbó-Dorca





16.A.Estancias Profesores Investigadores  Extranjeros en Régimen de Año Sabático en           España: Prof. Leonel Vera (Universidad Católica del Norte - Chile)

     B.Ministerio de Educación Cultura y Deporte

     C.2002 (3 months) (Quantity:1.675.000,-PTA / 10.067 €)

     D.Prof. Ramon Carbó-Dorca


17.A."V Girona Seminar on Molecular Similarity"

     B. Generalitat de Catalunya. Direcció General de Recerca ARCS 2001

     C. 2001 (Quantity: 500.000,-pts)

     D. Prof. Ramon Carbó-Dorca


18. A."V Girona Seminar on Molecular Similarity"

     B. Ministerio Ciencia y Tecnologia. AEC2001

     C. 2001 (Quantity: 1.000.000,-pts)

     D. Prof. Ramon Carbó-Dorca


19. A. "Estudi mecano-quàntic i manipulació a l'escala atòmica"

      B. Generalitat de Catalunya Direcció General de Recerca ACES01-57/3

      C. 2001-2002  (Quantity 8.000.000,-PTA)

      D.Prof. Ramon Carbó-Dorca


20.A.Grups Consolidats 2002-2005

     B.Generalitat de Catalunya. DURSI.  Ref. 2001SGR 00290

     C.2002-2005 (Quantity 7.300.000,-PTA)

     D.Prof. Ramon Carbó-Dorca


21.A. Infraestructura

     B. Generalitat de Catalunya. DURSI. Ref. 2001PIRA 00151


     D.Prof. Ramon Carbó-Dorca


22. A.Estancias Profesores e Investigadores  Extranjeros en España: Dr. Shuwen YAO        B.Ministerio de Educación Cultura y Deporte

     C.2002 (18 months) (Quantity: 1.850 € /month  2.900 €/Travel)

     D.Prof. Ramon Carbó-Dorca


23. A."VI Girona Seminar on Molecular Similarity"

      B. Generalitat de Catalunya. Direcció General de Recerca ARCS 2000.-202

      C. 2003(Quantity: 3.000,-€)

      D. Prof. Ramon Carbó-Dorca


23. A."VI Girona Seminar on Molecular Similarity"

      B. MCYT – Acciones Especiales

      C. 2003(Quantity: 3.000,-€)

      D. Prof. Ramon Carbó-Dorca





24. A: Bases teóricas  e implementación computacional de las relaciones estructura- actividad

            basadas en semejanza molecular cuántica.

           B: Plan Nacional I+D; BQU2003-07420-C05-01 (Cantidad: 91.000,-€)

           C: 2003-2006 

           D: Prof. Ramon Carbó-Dorca


25. A:


Referencia: CTQ2006-04410

Organismo que concede el proyecto: MEC (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia)

Título del Proyecto: Análisis de la función densidad y su relación con la semejanza cuántica, como fundamentos del desarrollo teórico-práctico de la relaciones estructura-propiedad cuantitativas y la topología molecular.

Organismo: Universidad de Girona

Centro: Instituto de Química Computacional

Investigador Principal: Ramon Carbó-Dorca Carré

Inicio proyecto: 01/10/2006

Finalización del proyecto: 30/09/2009

Cantidad concedida: 31.460,-€ :


26. A: Girona Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry 2010





 (Professor Invitat)


                                                          (Invited Professor)


                                                      (Profesor Invitado)



 Centre de Mecanique Ondulatoire Appliquée CNRS

 Paris. França. 1967,68. 

 Química Quàntica


 Research Associate.Division of Theoretical Chemistry. University of Alberta

 Alberta. Canadà. 1968-69.  (Postdoctoral Fellow)

 Química Quàntica


 Laboratorio de Química Cuántica. Universidad de Pisa

 Pisa. Italia. 1974,75.  

 Química Quàntica


 Division of Theoretical Chemistry. University of Alberta

 Alberta. Canadá. 1977-78.  

 Química Quàntica


 Department of Chemistry. University of Tromsoe

 Tromsoe. Noruega. 1978,80.  

 Química Quàntica


 Department of Chemistry. CRAY Research 

 Minneapolis. USA. 1992. 

 Química Quàntica


 Dept. of Chemistry. Univ. of Saskatchewan

 Saskatoon. Canada. 1994  (Visiting Professor)

 Química Cuántica                     


 Dept. of Applied Chemistry. Faculty of Engineering. University of Tokio

 Tokio . Japó. 1995.

 Química Quàntica           


 Dept. of Applied Chemistry. Faculty of Engineering. University of Tokio

 Tokio . Japó. 1997.

 Química Quàntica     


 Dept.of Chemistry. University of Hyderabad

 Hyderabad. India. 1998-99  

 Química Quàntica      




Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry. Ghent University. 

Gent. Belgique  October 2003 – February 2004


Department of Theoretical Chemistry

Faculty of Engineering

University of Tokyo. Japan. January 2004.


Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry. Ghent University. 

Gent. Belgique  (Professor van U Gent)  

October 2004 – September 2007.


College of Chemical Engineering

University of Petroleum

Beijing. P. R. China. May 2012



Kobe. Japan. June 2012.








 Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física y Química.

 Pamplona (1967)

 Tarragona (1971)


 Reunión de la Sociétè de Chimie-Physique Section Mediterranéene

 Perpignan (1967)

 Barcelona (1968)

 Montpellier (1970)

 Montpellier (1972)

 Montpellier (1973)


 Reunión Bienal de la Sección de Química Orgánica de la Real Sociedad Española de Física y Química

 Monasterio de Piedra (1968)


 Coloquios Internacionales de Químicos Cuánticos de Expresión Latina

 Paris (1970)

 Granada (1971)

 Pisa-Cortona (1972)

 Arles (1975)

 Stressa (1978)

 Ginebra (1979)

 Barcelona (1981)

 Alghero (1982)

 Peñiscola (1987)

 Roma (1990)

     Habana (2008)


 Reunión Nacional del Grupo de Biofísica y Biología Molecular de la Real Sociedad Española de Física y Química

 Barcelona (1969)

 Valencia (1970)


 Quantum Aspects of Macromolecules . IBM Symposium

 San José(California) (1972)


     International Conference on the Origin of Life

 Barcelona (1973)


 Congreso Internacional sobre la Estructura de los Compuestos


 Barcelona (1973)

 Congreso Internacional para el estudio de los estados excitados de las moléculas biológicas

 Lisboa (1974)


  Primer Simposio nacional sobre Evolución

 Barcelona (1975)


 EMBO Workshop on Chemical Evolution

 Barcelona (1975)


 International Symposium on Interdisciplinary Aspects of Photochemistry

 Barcelona (1976)


 La Chimie Théorique:Aspects Conceptuels et Applications

 Obersteigen (1976)


 Reunión de Química Cuántica

 Madrid (1976)


 Workshop on Quantum Chemistry

 Edmonton (1978)


 Workshop on current aspects of Quantum Chemistry

 Barcelona (1979)

 Barcelona (1981)

 Barcelona (1984)

 Girona (1988)


 Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry

 Tromsoe (1980)


 International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry

 Torremolinos (1980)


    Reunió del Grup de Química Quàntica de Catalunya

 Barcelona (1985)

 Tarragona (1986)

 Barcelona (1987)

 Girona (1988)

 Bellaterra (1989)

 Valencia (1990)

 Barcelona (1991)

 Tarragona (1992) 

 Girona (1993)

    Barcelona (1994)

    Bellaterra (1995)

    Barcelona (1996)

    Bellaterra (1997)

    Girona (1998)


 Meeting  of European Sybyl user group

 Zermatt (1986)


 Symposium on Computational Chemistry and Parallel Procesors

 Edmonton (1986)


 Advanced School on Theoretical Chemistry

 Torun (1987)


 VI Escuela Latinoamericana de Química Teórica

 Rio de Janeiro (1988)


 8th Seminar on Computational Methods in Quantum Chemistry.

 Gl.Avernaes (Odense) (1990) 


 Workshop on Molecular Quantum Similarity. 

 Beilstein Institute. Schloss Korb.Tirol (1992) 


 1st Congress of the International Society of Theoretical 

 Physical Chemistry. 

 Girona (1993)


 9th (Strasbourg) Seminar on Computational Chemistry. 

 Girona (1993) 


  1st (Girona) Seminar on Molecular Similarity.

 Girona (1993)


  2nd Iberian Joint Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics

  Bilbao                                                  (1995)


  2nd (Girona) Seminar on Molecular Similarity.

  Girona (1995)

   Workshop: Tècniques computacionals en el modelat 

  i disseny de molècules bioactives

  Barcelona                                             (1997)


  7th International Conference on Mathematical Chemistry

  Girona  (1997)


   3rd Girona Seminar on Molecular Similarity

  Girona (1997)


  Fukuoka Conference on Theoretical Chemistry

  Fukuoka (Japó) (1997)


  Discussion Meeting in Theoretical Chemistry. 

  Hyderabad. India                                  (1998 )


  4th Girona Seminar on Molecular Similarity

  Girona (1999)


17th International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds

Bordeaux (França) (1999)


III Congress of the International Society for Theoretical Chemical Phisics

México City (México) (1999)


Electron Densities and Electron Distributions Workshop

San Sebastià (Espanya) (2000)


European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering


Barcelona, 11-14 Setembre 2000


V Girona Seminar on Molecular Similarity

Girona  July   (2001)


IV Seminarios de Estudios Avanzados Sobre Diseño Molecular y Bioinformática (SEADIMB)

La Habana (Cuba) 3 - 9 de Febrero (2002)


2nd Biannual Conference on Chemistry

El Cairo (Egypt) 3 - 9 Marzo (2002)


I Reunión Nacional de Modelización Molecular y Quimioinformática. Barcelona 21 y 22 Marzo 2002) 


Ciclo Conferencias MAGISTER. Centre Especial de Recerca en Química Teórica. Barcelona  189-21 Abril (2002)


Congreso Métodos Numéricos en la Ingenieria. Madrid 3-6 Junio (2002).


4th European Conference on Computational Chemistry. Assisi, Italy 

1-6 Septembre (2002)


XIX Reunió Xarxa Química Teòrica . Universitat de Girona (July 17 - 18, 2003)


VI Girona Seminar on Molecular Similarity

Girona  July , 21-24  (2003)


DFT 2003 Congress

Brussels, Belgium.  September 7-12,              (2003)


VI Congress of Belgian Quantum Chemists

Gent, Belgium. November  21                         (2003)



Loutraki, Greece, September 25-30                 (2005)    


VII Congres of Belgian Quantum Chemists

Mons, Belgium. January 27    (2006)


Computers in Scientific Discovery III

Gent, Belgium. February 6-9    (2006)


Chemical reactivity

Brussels, Belgium. April 5-7    (2006)


VII Girona Seminar

Girona  10-13 Juliol           (2006)



La Habana  Septiembre           (2007)


VIII Girona Seminar

Girona 7-10 July             (2008)


Girona Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry   

Girona 8-12 July             (2009)



Rhodes, Greece, September 28-October 4       (2009)


IX  Girona Seminar

Girona 5-8 July               (2010)


Girona Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry  

Girona 18-20 October         (2010)


8th Seminars of Advanced Studies on Molecular Design and Bioinformatics (Seadim 8)

Havana-Varadero 10-15 July       (2011)


Prague Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry

Prague 26-29 September      (2011)


Kathmandu 2012 Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry

Atoms, molecules and solids: models and concepts

30 April - 4 May                     (2012)




- Quantum Molecular Similarity

Molecular Research Institute. Palo Alto. 1992


- Nested do loops and parallel processing

IBM Research Centre. Almaden CA (USA). 1992


- Semejanza Molecular Cuántica

Departamento de Química. Universidad de Puerto Rico. Rio Piedras.  1992


- Aplicaciones de los bucles anidados en Química Cuántica

Departamento de Química. Universidad de Puerto Rico. Rio Piedras.  1992


- Applications of quantum molecular similarity measures 

Primer Congrés de la Societat Internacional de Química Física Teòrica. Girona. 1993


- Theoretical Foundation of Quantum Molecular Similarity

Second Iberian Joint Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics

Bilbao. 1995


- An Introduction to Quantum Molecular Similarity

Ochanomizu University. Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo. Department of Information Sciences. Faculty of Science Prof. H.Hosoya. 1996


- Quantum Molecular Similarity

Institute of Molecular Sciences, Okazaki. Prof. S.Iwata.. 1996


- Nested Sums and Nested Do Loops : Parallel Algorithms in Quantum Chemistry

Computer Center, Nagoya City University. Prof. H.Tatewaki. 1996


- Theoretical Structure of Quantum Molecular Similarity

Department of Synthetic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry

Faculty of Engineering . Kyoto University Prof. H.Nakatsuji. 1996


- Basic Fundaments and Applications of Quantum Molecular Similarity

Parallel Algorithms in Quantum Chemistry

Dept. of Applied Chemistry. Faculty of Engineering University of Tokyo Prof. K.Hirao. 1996


- Descriptores moleculares mecanocuánticos. La matriz densidad. El MEP

Curso de verano "Modelización molecular y diseño de moléculas bioactivas" El Escorial. 1997


- Semejanza molecular cuántica. origen de las relaciones estructura-propiedad.

Curso de verano "Modelización molecular y diseño de moléculas bioactivas" El Escorial. 1997

- Molecular Quantum Similarity

Dept. of Chemsitry. Hunter College of the City University of New York. 1997


- Structure-Function Relationship using Quantum Similarity

Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology. Hyderabad. India. 15 de desembre de 1998


- Quantity Structure Activity Relationships and Quantum Similarity 

Dr. Reedy Foundation. Hyderabad. India. 19 de desembre de 1998


- Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships and Similarity Measures

Molecular Biophysics Unit. Indian Institute of Science. Bangalore. India. 21 /12/1998


- How similar is a molecule to another?

India Institute for Scientific C. Organic Chemistry Unit. Bangalore. India. 22 /12/1998


- Extended Density Functions and quantum Chemistry

University of Hyderabad. India. 26/12/1998


- Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships and Quantum Similarity 

B.R. Ambedkar Mauthawada University. Aurangabad. India. 5/01/1999


- Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships and Quantum Similarity Measures

Department of Chemistry. Indian Institute of Technology. Mumbai. India. 7/01/1999


- Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships and Quantum Similarity 

Indian Institute of Technology. New Delhi. India. 11/01/1999


- Un viatge a l'Índia.

Fundació Universitat de Girona: Innovació i Formació. Ed. Mercadal. Girona 3/03/1999


-Semejanza  Molecular Cuántica

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Madrid  9/11/1999


- Use Quantum Molecular Similarity to the Evaluation of Molecular Properies. 

Conferencia Plenaria en la sección QSAR. 17th International Symposium on Polyclinic Aromatic Compounds. Bordeaux (Francia). 26/10/1999.


-Quantum Molecular Similarity:Theory and Applications.

III Congress International Society for Theoretical Chemical Physics.

Universidad Autónoma de México. 10/11/1999.


- Semejanza Molecular Cuántica.

Instituto de Física

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. México DF 17/11/1999.



-Relaciones Estructura-Actividad Cuántica.

Instituto de Física

Universidad Autónoma de México. México DF 19/11/1999


-Mathematical Elements of Quantum Electronic Density Functions

"Electron Densities and Electron Distributions Workshop

Facultad de Químicas. San Sebastian. España. 27/04/00


-Quantum Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships (QQSAR): A Comprehensive Discussion Based On Inward Matrix Products, Employed As A Tool To Find Approximate Solutions Of Strictly Positive Linear Systems And Providing A QSAR-Quantum Similarity Measures Connection.

Congres ECCOMAS 2000. World Trade Center. Barcelona . Spain 11/09/00


-"Extended Wavefunctions And Generalized Quantum Structure-Properties Relationship"

V Girona Seminar on Molecular Similarity. Girona  Spain 16/07/01


-"Teoría y Aplicaciones de la Semejanza Cuántica"

Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnologia La Habana .Cuba  07/08/01


-"Extended Wave Function and Sobolev Spaces."

Laboratoire de Chimie Theorique.   Universite P&M. Curie. Paris. France (14/01/02)


-"Las bases teóricas de la semejanza cuántica" Invited Plenary Lecture

SEADIM-IV Universidad de la Habana. Cuba  04/02/02


-"Theoretical Foundation for Quantum QSAR" Invited Plenary Lecture

2nd Biannual Conference on Chemistry. University of  El Cairo. Egipt (04/03/02)


-"Relaciones estructura-actividad cuánticas"

I Reunión Nacional de Modelización Molecular y Quimioinformática. Barcelona 21 y 22 Marzo 2002


-"Espacios de Sobolev y Funciones de Onda Extendidas" 

Cicle Conferències MAGISTER. Centre Especial de Recerca en Química Teórica. Barcelona 19/04/02


-"Elementos matemáticos para la discretización de la structura molecular" Invited Plenary Lecture

V Congreso Métodos Numéricos en Ingenieria. Madrid , 6/06/02 


-“Algorithmic, Mathematical and Geometrical Stuctures Useful in Computational and Quantum Chemistry” - Invited Plenary Lecture

4th European Conference on Computational Chemistry. Assisi, Italy, 1/09/02



-“Extended Wave and Density Functions”


Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry. Ghent University.  Gent. Belgique 17/03/03


-“Space Structure and Quantum Mechanics”


VI Girona Seminar on Molecular Similarity – Girona. 21/07/03


-“Theoretical Foundations of Quantum Similarity”

Invited Plenary Lecture

VI Congress of Belgian Quantum Chemists – Gent. Belgium 21/11/2003


-“Applications of Quantum Similarity”


Universite de Namur. Belgique.    10/12/ 2003


-“Quantum Similarity”


Toyohashi University. Japan. 9/1/2004


-“Space Structure and Quantum Mechanics”


Tokyo University. Japan.  14/1/2004.


-“Quantum QSPR”

Invited Lecture

9th European Workshop on Quantum Systems in Chemistry & Physics (QSCP-IX)

Les Houches (France) September 25-30, 2004


- Curso: Semejanza Cuántica. 

Laboratorio de Química Teórica. Facultad de Ciencias Básicas, Universidad de Pamplona,

Pamplona. Colombia.   18, 19, 20 April 2005


-“Aspects Mathematiques de les Fonctions Densite at de la Similarite Quantique”

Laboratoire de Chimie Theorique. Universite  Henri Poincare.

Nancy. France. Juin 30, 2005.


-“Molecular Quantum Similarity Measures in Minkowski Metric Vector Semispaces”

Invited Lecture

International Conference in Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering. CCMSE 2006. Loutraki (Greece) October 21-26, 2005 


-“Theoretical Foundations of Quantum-Quantitative Structure-Properties Relationships (Q-QSPR)”

Invited Plenary Lecture 

12th International Workshop on Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships in Environmental Toxicology. Lyon. France. May 8-12, 2006


-“Atomic partition of first order LCAO-MO density functions:Metric structure and practical applications“  

Invited Plenary Lecture

VII Girona Seminar on the Nature of the Chemical Bond. July 8-13, 2006.


-“Some questions about the mathematical structure of the density functions”

Universidad de La Habana. La Habana. Cuba. Febrero 2007.


-“Mathematical aspects of first order density functions”

III Annual Meeting of the International Academy of Mathematical Chemistry

Dubrovnik. June 2007.


-“Quantum Quantitative Structure-Properties Relationships (QQSAR) ”

Math/Chem/Comp 2007 ; Dubrovnik. June 2007. 


-“Semblança Quàntica: L’estat de la qüestió”

Invited Plenary Lecture

QUITEL 33  La Habana  Septiembre 2007.


-“Fukui Functions”

Invited Lecture

VIII Girona Seminar on Aromaticity July 2008


-“General Framework of Quantum QSPR: Theory and applications”

The International Conference on Simulations and Dynamics for Nanoscale and Biological Systems

Invited Lecture

March 4-6 2009  Tokyo University (Japon)


“Density Gradient Quantum Similarity Measures”


Rhodes, Greece, September 28-October 4  (2009)


-“LCAO MO First Order Density Functions: Partition in Monocentric and Bicentric Terms, Reciprocal MO Spaces, Invariant Transformations and Euclidian Atomic Populations”.

2009 Girona Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry

July 9-11 2009 Cap Roig (Girona)


Cicle de Conferències:El Desafiament del S XXI: veu de la Ciència

Química cuàntica: una visió global de la química

25 de maig 2010

Residència del CSIC (c. Egipcíaques, BCN)


“A study on atomic populations”

Ramon Carbó-Dorca*, Luz Dary Mercado

IX Girona Seminar

Girona July 2010


“Some Aspects on Quantum Similarity”

Ramon Carbó-Dorca

Girona Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry

Girona October 2010




“Introduction to quantum similarity &

 Quantum quantitative structure properties relationships”

Invited Lecture

SEADIM 8  Habana Sessions 

Univ. de la Habana (Cuba)

July 2011



“Tensorial discrete molecular representations”

Invited Lecture

SEADIM 8  Varadero Sessions 

Univ. De la Habana (Cuba)

July 2011



“Symmetrical Overlap transformations of function basis sets:

The LCAO MO and quantum similarity practical cases”

Prague Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry

Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals

Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

September 2011


“Quantum Similarity a basic approach and some applications”

Nepal Chemical Society and Central Department of Chemistry,

Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal

April 20, 2012    [2069/01/08 Nepali calendar]



 1."Teoría Generalizada del Campo Autocoherente: Aplicación al estudio del NO2"

  J.M.Riera (IQS). 1974. 


 2."Los Operadores de Acoplamiento en el método de Hartree-Fock"

  R.Gallifa (IQS). 1976. 


    3."Consideraciones sobre los métodos semiempíricos y sus apliciones: Análisis Conformacional, propiedades moleculares y reactividad"

  R.Caballol (IQS). 1976. 


    4."Consideraciones sobre las aplicaciones de los OM en las relaciones Estructura-Actividad"

  M.Martín (IQS). 1976. 


     5."Potenciales e interacciones electrostáticas moleculares: Teoría y aplicaciones"

  M.Martín (UAB). 1979. 


 6."Catalonia-80:Un sistema general de cálculo SCF 'ab initio' implementado en miniordenadores"

  J.Gregori (IQS). 1981. 


    7."Sobre la classificació teórica dels substrats i inhibidors de la monoaminaoxidasa (MAO)"

  F.Sanz (UAB). 1982. 


 8."Relaciones Estructura-Actividad"

  J.A.Farré (IQS). 1985. 


 9."Càlculs 'Ab Initio' de sistemes moleculars: el paquet de programes GOTHLAND/85"

  Ll.Domingo (IQS). 1989.


 10."Cálculos relativistas sobre estructuras electrónicas"

  Ll.Molino (UB). 1990.


    11."Semblança Molecular Quàntica"

  B.Calabuig (UAB). 1992. 


 12."HF States Energy Spectra for Icosahedral Open Shell Structures"

  J.M.Oliva (IQS). 1994. 


13."Fonaments Teòrics i Aplicacions de la Semblança Quàntica"

 E.Besalú (UdG).1995. 


14. "Desenvolupament Computacional de la Semblança Molecular Quàntica"

 P. Constans (UdG). 1997. 


15 "Representació i noves mesures de Semblança Molecular Quàntica"

       X. Gironés (UdG) 2002


16. "Estructura computacional de les mesures de Semblança Quàntica"

 L. Amat (UdG) 2003


17. “Molecular Quantum Similarity in QSAR: Applications in Computer-Aided Molecular Design”

 A. Gallegos (UdG) 2004








1. "Xarxes de funcions distribuïdes en l'espai"

 A. Bach (UdG) En curs.


2. "Aplicació de les mesures de Semblança Molecular Quàntica a estudis QSAR"

 D. Robert (UdG) En curs.


3. “Semejanza Cuántica: Aplicaciones a las Relaciones Estructura-Propiedades”

 L. D. Mercado Madrid (UdG) En curs.


4. “Bases teóriques de les Relacions Estructura-Propietats Quàntiques”

 A. J. Sánchez Ruiz (UdG) En curs.








A)Societats Científiques/ Scientific Societies/Sociedades Científicas

 1.American Chemical Society

 2.American Physical Society (life member)

 3.Grup de Química Teòrica de Catalunya

 4.International Society of Quantum Biology (life member)

 5.International Society of Mathematical Chemistry

 6.International Society for Theoretical Chemical Physics

 7.Real Sociedad Española de Química y Física

 8.Societat Catalana de Ciències 

 9.New York Academy of Sciences

 10.IEEE Computer Society

 11.American Association for the Advancement of Sciences.

 12.International Academy of Mathematical Chemistry



B) Activitats/Activities/Actividades

1. Organizer of the XII Congreso de Química Teórica de Expresión Latina. Barcelona, 1981


2. Member of the Editorial Commitee of the journal Science. Barcelona, 1980-85


3. Cofounder of the Grup de Química Quàntica de Catalunya. Barcelona, 1985


4. Organizer of the Workshop on Quantum Chemistry. 

 Institut Químic de Sarrià 1979,1981,1984

 Col.legi Univ. de Girona 1988


5. Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Quantum Chemistry.



6. Coordinator of the Summer Course of the Universitat de Girona on Computational Chemistry. 

   1st........................(July 1988)

   2nd........................(July 1989)

   3rd........................(July 1990)

   4th........................(June 1991)

   5th........................(June 1992)

   6th........................(July 1994)

   7th.........................(July 1995)

7. Cofounder and member of the Board of Directors of the International Society of Theoretical Physical Chemistry, 1990.


8. Founder and director of the Institute of Computational Chemistry of the University of Girona. 1992-2005


9. Fellow of Cray Research and "Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca", 1992


10.Organizer and president of the 1st. Congress of the International Society of Theoretical Chemical Physics, Girona, 1993


11.Organizer and president of the IX (Strasbourg) Seminar on Computational Chemistry, Girona, 1993


12.Organizer and president of the 9ª meeting of the Grup de Química Quàntica de Catalunya, Girona, 1993


13.Organizer and Chairman of the I (Girona) Seminar on Molecular Similarity, Girona, 1993


14.Life member of the International Biographical Association. Cambridge, 1993 


15.Medal "Narcís Monturiol" of the Generalitat de Catalunya. 1993


16.Member del Management Board of the Programa COST-Chemistry D3, 1994


17.Life Member of the American Biographical Institute Research Association 1994


18.Organizer and Chairman of the II (Girona) Seminar on Molecular Similarity, Girona, 1994


19.Member of The Order of International Fellowship International Biographical Association, Cambridge, 1994


20.Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, (1994-… )


21.Coordinator of the tematic net: "Grup de Química Teòrica de Catalunya"  sponsored by CIRIT  (1994-1995)


22.Coeditor with Prof. P. Mezey of the book series "Molecular Similarity" edited by JAI Press (USA)        (1995-… )


23.Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (1995-1996)


24. Organizer and Chairman of the III (Girona) Seminar on Molecular Similarity.

 Girona. (1997)



25. Jawaharlal Nehru Professor

      University of Hyderabad. 1998


26. Organizer and Chairman of the IV (Girona) Seminar on Molecular Similarity.



27. Acte Acadèmic: 200 PAPER-Prof. R. Carbó Dorca. IQC Universitat de Girona 


28. Member of the Editorial Board of the ECCOMAS 2000 Proceedings.(2000)


29. Chairman of the Computational Chemistry Session.

       ECCOMAS 2000. Barcelona 11-14 September 2000



   IQC, Girona. September 16th 2000


31. Organizer and Chairman of the V Girona Seminar on Molecular Similarity.

 Girona. 2001


32. Chairman of the Physical Chemistry Session.

       BIANNUAL CONFERENCE ON CHEMISTRY, El Cairo (Egipte) 4-7 March 2002


33. Member of the Technical Board of the CEPBA-IBM Research Institute.


31. Organizer and Chairman of the VI (Girona) Seminar on Molecular Similarity.

 Girona. 2003


32. Chairman of the VII (Girona) Seminar on Molecular Similarity

            Girona 2006


33. Elected Member of the International Academy of  Mathematical Chemistry

             Dubrovnik 2007


34.Chairman of the VIII (Girona) Seminar Girona 2008


35. Chairman and Organizer of the 2009 Girona Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry.

      Cap Roig (Girona) 2009.


36. Chairman and Organizer of the 2010 Girona Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry.

      Girona 2010.


37. Organizer of Kathmandu 2012 Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry.







C) Cursos impartits/Delivered Courses/Cursos Impartidos


 -"Semblança Molecular Quàntica". Universitat de Girona. 1992

 -Molecular Research Institute. Palo Alto CA (USA). 1992

 -IBM Research Centre. Almaden CA (USA). 1992

 -Departamento de Química. Universidad de Puerto Rico. Rio Piedras. 1992

 -CICYT. Madrid. 1993

 -Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas. Fisicas. Rio de Janeiro (BRASIL). 1993

 -"Enginyeria Molecular". Universitat de Girona. 1993

 -Department of Chemistry. University of Saskatchewan. Saskatoon (Saskatchewan). Canada. 1993

 -Laboratoris Vita S.A. Sant Joan Despi. Barcelona. 1993

 -Facultat de Farmacia. Dept. de Química Física. Universitat de València. València. 1995

 -"Quantum Molecular Similarity" within II (Girona) Seminar on Molecular Similarity. Universitat de Girona. 1995

-Quantum Similarity. School of Chemistry. University of  Hyderabad. India. 1999

-Quantum Similarity. Bogotá. Colombia. April 2005.

-Quantum Chemistry. University of Petroleum. Beijing. P. R. China. May 2012.



             L- Autor/Author

             E- Editor  


1. R. Carbó. "El Origen de la Vida"

Editorial Salvat.Barcelona. 1975 L


2. R. Carbó. "Introducción a la Teoría de Matrices"

Colección Exhedra. Editorial Alhambra. Madrid. 1976 L


3. R. Carbó "A General SCF Theory"

Lecture Notes in Chemistry (vol. 5)

Editorial Springer Verlag. Berlin. 1978 L


4."Current Aspects of Quantum Chemistry" 

Studies in Physical and Theoretical Chemistry.21

Editorial Elsevier. Amsterdam. 1982 E


5. R. Carbó. "Algebra Matricial y Lineal"

Serie Schaum. Editorial Mac Graw-Hill. Madrid. 1987 L


6."Quantum Chemistry : Basic Aspects, Actual Trends " 

Studies in Physical and Theoretical Chemsitry.62

Editorial Elsevier. Amsterdam. 1989 E


7."SCF Theory" 

Studies in Physical and Theoretical Chemistry.70

Editorial Elsevier. Amsterdam. 1990 E


8."Molecular Similarity and Reactivity: From Quantum Chemical to Phenomenological Approaches"

Understanding Chemical Reactivity.14

Kluwer Academic Publishers. Amsterdam. 1995 E


10. R. Carbó-Dorca, P.G. Mezey (Editors)


Advances in Molecular Similarity.  Vo. 1 

JAI Press  London 1996 E


11. R. Carbó-Dorca, P. Mezey (Editors)

Advances in molecular similarity. Vol. 2

JAI Press  London 1998 E


12. R. Carbó-Dorca, D. Robert, L. Amat, X. Gironés, E. Besalú. 

"Molecular Quantum Similarity in QSAR and Drug Design" Lecture Notes in Chemistry . Vol 73

Editorial Springer Verlag. Berlin. 2000 L



13. R.Carbó-Dorca, 

"Ciència i pensament: què és la ciència?" 

Col.lecció d'humanitats Volum 9 .

Ed: Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat de Girona, 2000 E


14.R. Carbó-Dorca, X.Gironés, P.G.Mezey (Editors)

The fundamentals of Molecular Similarity

Kluwer Academic/ Plenum publishers, New York 2001 E


15.R.Carbó-Dorca (Editor)

"Origen i destí de l'home" 

Col.lecció d'humanitats Volum 13 .

Ed: Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat de Girona, 2001 E



¿Por qué las cosas son así y no de otra manera?

Servicio Publicaciones de la Universidad de Oviedo   

Ed:Servicio de publicaciones Universidad de Oviedo (2001) 1-225  L


17. R.Carbó-Dorca

El temps físic

El temps i la Humanitat.  Llibres a l'abast. Ed. 62 , 380 (2003) L



Acceptats/In Press/Acceptados



Mathematical Foundation of Quantum Similarity.

Kluwer Academic/ Plenum publishers, New York    L




Publicacions Literàries/Publicaciones Literarias/Literary Publications


1.  R. Carbó-Dorca

La Neu dels Dies (Poemes en Prosa)

Autoeditat (2000) L


2. R. Carbó-Dorca

Històries d’Ultraciència (Relats Curts)

CCG Edicions Girona (2001) L


3. R. Carbó-Dorca

Cap de Mil.leni (Poema)

CCG Edicions Girona (2003) L


4. R. Carbó-Dorca

Laberint de Laberints (Novel·la)

CCG Edicions Girona (2007) L


5. R. Carbó-Dorca

El Dhammapada (Traducció-Edició)

Edicions a Petició Girona (2011) L


6. R. Carbó-Dorca

El Llangant Blau (Novel·la)

CCG Edicions Girona (2012) L



        A - Articles/ Papers/ Articulos

       AD- Articles Divulgació/ Popular Science Papers/ Artículos de Divulgación

       CL- Capítols Llibre/ Book Chapters/ Capítulos Libro

       CLD- Capítols Llibre Divulgació/ Popular Science Book Chapters/ Capítulos Libro                    Divulgación




1. J.Molina,R.Carbó. 

"Cálculo teórico del calor de quimisorción del hidrógeno sobre metales"

Afinidad,22(1965)101. A


2. R.Carbó,J.Molina.

"Cálculo teórico del calor de quimisorción de moléculas con enlaces p sobre metales"

An.R.Soc.Esp.Quim.Fis.,61(1965)1169. A


3. R.Carbó, Carbó,J.Molina.

"Cálculo de la energía del estado fundamental de moléculas diatómicas mediante un método LCAO-SCF"

Afinidad,22(1965)403. A


4. R.Carbó, J.Straub.

"Cálculo de integrales moleculares bicéntricas"

Afinidad,22(1965)414. A





5. R.Carbó.

"Estimación de las propiedades de los gases:Cálculo de la ecuación de estado y de los coeficientes de transporte para gases puros a baja densidad"

Afinidad,22(1966)405. A





6. R.Carbó. 

"Sur l'extension d'une methode SC-HMO a l'étude des heterocycles conjugués" 

C.R.Acad.Sc.Paris,264(1967)150. A



"Étude Théorique de la Chimisorption du système Hydrogène-Metal"

An.Acad.Bras.Ciencias,39(1967)117. A



"Estudio mediante el método HMO de algunas estructuras derivadas de la hidracina: Estructuras tipo bencilidenhidracina"

Afinidad,24(1967)9. A  


"Sobre la relación entre los métodos SCHMO y SCF-LCAO semiempírico"

Afinidad,24(1967)102. A



"Use of a semiempiriical SCF-LCAO method for the study of s bonds"

An.R.Soc.Esp.Quim.Fis.,63(1967)373. A



"Generalización del método HMO para los ciclos conjugados persustituídos"

An.R.Soc.Esp.Quim.Fis.,63(1967)379. A



"Cálculo generalizado del segundo coeficiente del virial para gases de dos y tres dimensiones"

Afinidad,24(1967)291. A






"Descripción de un método de Hückel autocoherente"

An.R.Soc.Esp.Quim.Fis.,64(1968)147. A



"Algunas puntualizaciones sobre los métodos de Hückel autocoherentes"

Afinidad,25(1968)203. A



"Notas sobre un método de Hückel extendido iterativo"

Afinidad,25(1968)209. A





16.R.Carbó, Giambiagi,M.Giambiagi. 

"Comparative Borazarobenzenes calculations following different methods"

Theoret.Chim.Acta (Berl.),14(1969)147. A


17.R.Carbó, Giambiagi,M.Giambiagi. 

"Sequence of energy levels in molecular calculations with a nonorthogonal basis"

Nuovo Cimento,59(1969)204. A



"AVE CI SCF studies in molecular structure: (I)Selection of parameters"

An.R.Soc.Esp.Quim.Fis.,65(1969)365. A









"The perturbation theory for non-degenerate states and the Extended Hückel Method"

Theoret.Chimica Acta (Berl.),17(1970)74. A



"A modified Del Re method"

Theoret.Chimica Acta (Berl.),18(1970)170. A



"Una relación entre estructura y actividad biológica en los esteroides"

Afinidad,27(1970)513. A



"AVE CI SCF studies in molecular structure:(II)Small polyatomic molecules"

An.R.Soc.Esp.Quim.Fis.,66(1970)271. A


23.R.Carbó,C.A.Ponce y F.H.Ferretti. 

"Un estudio SCHMO de los complejos de transferencia de carga entre tetraciano-etileno y aminas aromáticas"

An.R.Soc.Esp.Quim.Fis.,66(1970)543. A



"Aplicación del método de Del Re modificado a las moléculas de interés biológico:(II) Poliminoácidos en hélice alfa"

An.R.Soc.Esp.Quim.Fis.,66(1970)945. A



"AVE CI SCF studies in molecular structure: (III)Five-membered heterocycles with nitrogen and oxygen"

An.R.Soc.Esp.Quim.Fis.,66(1970)401. A






"A note on a Roothaan procedure"

Chem.Phys.Lett.,8(1971)75. A



"The off-diagonal matrix elements in the EHT method"

Anales de Física,67(1971)83. A



"On a method to solve the secular equations with a non-orthogonal basis set"

Anales de Física,67(1971)85. A




"Aplicación del método de Del Re modificado a las moléculas de interés biológico:(III) Insulina"

Afinidad,28(1971)285. A



"The electronic structure of aniline and phenol"

Anales de Física,67(1971)171. A



"Estudio teórico de los fenómenos de orientación en la reacción de Diels-Alder"

Anales de Química,67(1971)489. A



"A generalized perturbation theory theorem"

Rev.Roumaine de Chimie,16(1971)1155. A


33.R.Carbó,M.S. de Giambiagi,M.Giambiagi. 

"Structure electronique de l'hydroxy-10 bora-10 aza-9 phenanthrene"

Bull.Soc.Chim.France,(1971)2515. A



"Algunas consideraciones sobre los niveles energéticos de los hamiltonianos monoelectrónicos"

Afinidad,28(1971)1147. A



"Aplicación del método de Del Re a las moléculas de interés biológico:(IV) Algunas relaciones estructura-actividad"

Afinidad,28(1971)1166. A



"Aplicación del método de Del Re a las moléculas de interés biológico:(V) Algunas relaciones esttructura-actividad"

Afinidad,28(1971)1289. A



"Aplicación del método de Del Re modificado a las moléculas de interés biológico:(I) Polipéptidos de pequeño tamaño"

Anales de Química,67(1971)1199. A






"Virtual orbitals in SCF Theory: (III) Perturbational Treatment"

Chem.Phys.Lett.,13(1972)82. A




"AVE CI SCF studies in molecular structure:(IV)Six-membered heterocycles with nitrogen and oxygen"

Anales de Física,68(1972)21. A



"Perturbational treatment of the non-orthogonality problem"

Nuovo Cimento,10(1972)576. A



"Generalized Rayleigh-Schrödinger Perturbation Theory"

Intl.J.Quantum Chem.,6(1972)609. A



"Técnicas de cálculo simplificadas en el modelo deslocalizado"

Afinidad,29(1972)865. A



"Eigenspace manipulation in SCF Theory"

Intl.J.Quantum Chemistry,6(1972)843. A


44. R.Carbó,R.Gallifa. 

"Teoría de perturbaciones múltiple para sistemas no degenerados:(I)Perturbaciones de primer orden en el hamiltoniano"

Anales de Física,68(1972)197. A



"Derivados del Miracil-D:Relación actividad carcinoestática-estructura electrónica localizada"

Rev.Roumaine de Chimie,17(1972)1963. A


46.M.Giambiagi,M.S. de Giambiagi,R.Carbó. 

"Propietés électroniques des diborodiazabenzénes"

J.Chim.Phys.,69(1972)1298. A






"Analyse Conformationelle de la Glycine"

J.Chim.Phys.,70(1973)154. A



"Un estudio comparativo de la aproximación NDDO"

Anales de Física,69(1973)1. A





"Double Perturbation theory and generalized secular equations"

Nuovo Cimento,17(1973)46. A



"Teoría de Pertubación múltiple para sistemas no degenerados: (II) Perturbaciones de primer orden en la métrica y en el Hamiltoniano"

Anales de Física,69(1973)331. A






"Estudio Conformacional de Alquilaminas: 2-haloetanolaminas"

Afinidad,31(1974)31. A



"All valence electron wavefunctions and electrostatic molecular potentials under zero differential overlap approximation"

Chem.Phys.Lett.,25(1974)89. A



"Etude Conformationelle d'ethylamines plychlorees"

J.Chim.Phys.,71(1974)295. A



"Eigenspace manipulation in SCF Theory: General Formalism"

Intl.J.Quantum Chemistry,8(1974)423. A



"Generalized Open Shell SCF Theory"

Intl.J.Quantum Chemistry,8(1974)373. A



"Ground and First Excited States electrostatic molecular potentials of ketene and diazomethane"

Chem.Phys.Lett.,28(1974)422. A



"Una correlación entre estructura y actividad con derivados de la purina como inhibidores de la adenina-fosforibosil transferasa"   

Afinidad,31(1974)757. A



"Las relaciones Estructura-Actividad: una discusión sobre la búsqueda de nuevas substancias biológicamente activas"

Afinidad,31(1974)733. A




"Aplicación del método de Del Re a las moléculas de interés biológico:(VI)Relaciones Estructura-Actividad para algunas triptaminas y feniletilaminas"

Afinidad,31(1974)853. A






"Some remarks about a generalized SCF Coupling Operator Open Shell Theory"

Chem.Phys.Lett.,30(1975)43. A



"Electrostatic Molecular Potential as a static index in the study of aromatic substitutions"

Chem.Phys.Lett.,31(1975)267. A



"Multicentric Expansions for Isosceles H3++ Configurations"

J.Chem.Phys.,62(1975)2637. A



"Structure-Activity Relationships of Phenethylamine:A comparison of Quantum Mechanical SCF 'ab initio' and semi-empirical calculations"

J.Am.Chem.Soc.,97(1975)1338. A



"Empirical Quantum Mechanical Approach to Structure-Gas Chromatrographic retention index relationships:(I)Sterol acetates"

J.Chromatogr.,108(1975)337. A



"Electrostatic Molecular Potentials: Mulliken Approximation"

Intl.J.Quantum Chemistry,9(1975)193-214. A



"Predicción de los índices de retención gas-cromatográficos a través de un método de correlación con datos estructurales de origen químico-cuántico"

Afinidad,32(1975)333. A



"A new look on SCF Theory"

Chem.Phys.Lett.,33(1975)545. A



"Extended Hückel Theory of Hydrogen-Molecule interactions"

Intl.J.Quantum Chemistry,9(1975)1021. A







"Empirical Quantum Chemical approach to structure-gas chromatographic retention index relationships"

J.Chromatogr.,117(1976)105. A



"Excited State Electrostatic Molecular Potentials of Formaldehyde"

Proceedings of the International Meeting on Excited States of Biomolecules.Lisbon

John Wiley(New York)(1976)66. CL



"Las relaciones estructura-actividad cuantitativas (REAC) en el diseño de fármacos"

Afinidad,33(1976)159. A



"Werner Heisenberg en el Laberinto"

Afinidad,33(1976)413.                                                                                  AD



"Theoretical Interstellar and Prebiotic Organic Chemistry:A Tentative Methodology"

Origins of Life,7(1976)163. A






"Electrostatic Corrections to Extended Hückel Theory"

Intl.J.Quantum Chemistry,11(1977)271. A



"A General Multiconfigurational Paired Excitation Self-Consistent Field Theory (MC PE SCF)"

Chem.Phys.Lett.,47(1977)85. A



"Unconditional Convergence in SCF Theory: A General Level Shift Technique"

Chem.Phys.Lett.,47(1977)581. A


77. R.Carbó.

"Boro,Hidrógeno y Compañía,en donde se relata la vida (científica) de W.N.Lipscomb, Premio Nobel de Química 1976"

Afinidad,34(1977)11.                                                                                    AD



"Application of Quantum Mechanical Parameters in Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships:Development of an Electrostatic Interaction Hypothesis"

Afinidad,34(1977)348. A




"Aproximaciones no-empíricas en la teoría LCAO MO:Fundamentos y aplicaciones"

Afinidad,35(1978)71. A



"A general representation of atomic orbital charge distributions with some applications to Mulliken's approximation and population analysis"

Gazzeta Chimica Italiana,108(1978)171. A



"Una introducción a los Poliominós Tridimensionales y otros entretenimientos"

Ibérica,194(1978)391.                                                                                              AD



"Mathematical basis of approximate MO theories:Origin of Mulliken's magic formula"

Intl.J.Quantum Chemistry,14(1978)209. A



"Ilya Prigogine:Premio Nobel de Química 1977"

Afinidad,35(1978)321.                                                                                              AD






"SCF Theory of  Multiplet States"    

Intl.J.Quantum Chemistry,17(1980)725. A



"Role of the molecular environment on the carbonyl electrostatic molecular potential: a comparative study of ground and excited states"

Anales de Química,76(1980)205-213. A



"Una aplicación del método de Hückel extendido al estudio de los compuestos de coordinación"

Afinidad,37(1980)187. A



"How similar is a molecule to another? An electron density measure of similarity between two molecular structures"

Intl.J.Quantum Chemistry,17(1980)1185-1189. A



"Un análisis de la conectividad molecular: Indices de retención cromatográficos en alcoholes,cetonas,éteres y esteres"

Afinidad,37(1980)491. A



"Open Shell SCF Theory:An 'ab initio' study of some interstellar molecules"

Advances in Quantum Chemistry,12(1980)159. CL



"Average Fock Operators"

Intl.J.Quantum Chemistry,18(1980)1207. A






"Molecular Engineering : A general approach to QSAR"

Medicinal Chemistry Advances. las Heras,S.Vega (Editors).   Pergamon Press.Oxford.(1981)85. CL






"Importancia de los parámetros escogidos para el estudio de las relaciones estructura-actividad"

Afinidad,39(1982)205. A



"Elementary unitary MO transformations and SCF Theory"

Advances in Quantum Chemistry,15(1982)215. CL






"Energy variation and elementary Jacobi rotations"

J.Mol.Structure,93(1983)15. A






"Moléculas interestelares:(I)Introducción"

Afinidad,42(1985)14. A



"Multiconfigurational calculations using elementary Jacobi rotations"

J.Mol.Structure,120(1985)357. A





"Moléculas Interestelares:(II)Procesos de formación y destrucción"

Afinidad,42(1985)343. A



"Moléculas Interestelares:(III)Procesos de formación y destrucción en las nubes interestelares densas"

Afinidad,42(1985)439. A



"Interstellar Chemistry"

J.Chem.Education,62(1985)832. A






"Electrostatic Potential Comparison and molecular metric spaces"

J.Biol.Physics,14(1986)21-28. A



"Convergence of the MCSCF methods based on elementary Jacobi rotations"

Afinidad,43(1986)462. A



"SCF LCAO STO High Precision Atomic Wavefunctions: Preliminary results"

Afinidad,43(1986)474. A



"Similarity measures on electrostatic molecular potentials"

Afinidad,43(1986)483-485. A






"Método de Hartree-Fock" Química Teórica:Estructura,Interacciones y Reactividad. 

S.Fraga (Coordinador)Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Madrid.(1987)17. CL



"LCAO MO Similarity Measures and Taxonomy"

Intl.J.Quantum Chemistry,32(1987)517. A



"Fuzzy Set Theory and Quantum Chemistry"

Scientia Gerundensis ,13 (1987) 177 A







"Los Ordenadores al Servicio de la Ingeniería Molecular"

La Vanguardia . Suplemento de Ciencia. 9 de Julio de 1989                           AD


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118.R.Carbó y B.Calabuig. 

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119.R.Carbó y B.Calabuig. 

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120.R.Carbó y B.Calabuig. 

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121.R.Carbó y B.Calabuig. 

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122.R.Carbó y B.Calabuig. 

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123.R.Carbó y E.Besalú. 

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Advances in Quantum Chemistry 24 (1992) 115                                             CL


124.R.Carbó,B.Calabuig,E.Besalú y A.Martínez. 

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"Quantum Similarity Measures, Molecular Cloud Description and Structure-Properties Relationships"

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"Medidas de Semejanza Cuántica: Conceptos Clásicos y Nuevas Estrategias"

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141.E.Besalú,L.Amat,X.Fradera and R.Carbó

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142.E.Besalú y R.Carbó. 

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144.E. Besalú, R. Carbó, M. Duran, J. Mestres, M. Solà

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151.J.Mestres, M.Solà, R.Carbó, F.J.Luque, M.Orozco

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J.Phys.Chem.  100(1996)606-610  A


152.E.Besalú y R.Carbó. 

"Applications of Nested Summation Symbols to Quantum Chemistry:Formalism and Programming Techniques"

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153.R. Carbó, E. Besalú

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154. M.Solà, J.Mestres, R.Carbó, M.Duran

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156. R.Carbó, E.Besalú, Ll.Amat, and X.Fradera

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157.P.Constans, X.Fradera, Ll.Amat and R.Carbó

"Quantum Molecular Similarity Measures (QMSM) and the Atomic Shell Approximation (ASA)" in Proceedings of the 2nd. Girona Seminar on Molecular Similarity.July 1995.

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159. Ll.Amat,X.Fradera,R.Carbó

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160. E.Besalú, R.Carbó

"Formulació matricial de la teoria de pertorbacions de  Rayleigh-Schrödinger: Aplicació a la caixa quàntica monodimensional"

 Scientia Gerundensis  22 (1996) 87-96  A


161. Ll.Amat,P.Constans,R.Carbó

"Descripció d'un algorisme d'optimització global de les  Mesures de Semblança Quàntica Molecular"

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162. M.Lobato,E.Besalú,R.Carbó

"Relacions Estructura-Propietat per un conjunt d'hidrucarburs a  partir de nous descriptors tridimensionals derivats de la  Semblança Molecular"

 Scientia Gerundensis  22 (1996) 79-86 A


163.  X.Fradera, Ll.Amat, M.Torrent, J.Mestres, P.Constans,  E.Besalú, J.Martí, S.Simon, M.Lobato, J.M.Oliva, J.M.Luis, J.L.Andrés, M.Solà, R.Carbó, M.Duran.

"Analysis of the Changes on the Potential Energy Surface of  Menshutkin Reactions induced by External Perturbations"

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164. R.Carbó-Dorca, E.Besalú

"Extending Molecular Similarity to Electronic Energy Surfaces: Boltzmann Similarity measures and Indices"

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165. R.Carbó-Dorca, E.Besalú

"A Procedure to obtain an accurate approximation to a full CI wavefunction"

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166. P.Constans, Ll.Amat, R.Carbó-Dorca

“Towards a Global Maximization of the Molecular Similarity Function: The superposition of Two Molecules”

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167. Ll.Amat,E.Besalú,X.Fradera,R.Carbó-Dorca

"Application of Molecular Quantum Similarity to QSAR"

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168. L. Amat, R. Carbó-Dorca

"Quantum similarity measures under atomic shell approximation: First order density fitting using elementary Jacobi rotations"

J. Comput. Chem. 18 (1997)2023- 2029  A


169. M. Lobato, L. Amat, E. Besalú, R. Carbó-Dorca

Structure-Activity Relationships of a Steroid Family using Quantum Similarity Measures and Topological Quantum Similarity Indices

Quant. Struct.-Act. Relat. 16 (1997) 1-8 A


170. E. Besalú, R. Carbó-Dorca

Rayleigh-Schrödinger Perturbation Theory: Practical Implementation of Matrix and Vector Formalisms of an Heuristic Sufficiency Convergence Criterion

J. Math. Chem. 22 (1997) 85-95 A


171. E. Besalú, R. Carbó-Dorca

An iterative method to solve the algebraic eigenvalue problem

J. Math. Chem.21 (1997) 395-412 A


172. R. Carbó-Dorca

Fuzzy sets and Boolean Tagged sets

J. Math. Chem. 22 (1997) 143-147 A





173. E. Besalú, R. Carbó-Dorca

Rayleigh-Schrödinger Perturbation Theory in Matrix Form

J. Chem. Edu. 75 (4) (1998) 502-506 A


174. R. Carbó-Dorca

Tagged sets, convex sets and QS measures

J. Math. Chem. 23 (1998) 353-364 A


175. D. Robert, R. Carbó-Dorca

A formal comparison between molecular quantum similarity measures and indices

J. Chem. Inf. Comp. Sci. 38 (1998) 469-475 A


176. D. Robert, R. Carbó-Dorca

Analyzing the triple density molecular quantum similarity measures with the INDSCAL model

J. Chem. Inf. Comp. Sci. 38 (1998) 620-623  A


177. L. Amat, D. Robert, E. Besalú, R. Carbó-Dorca

Molecular quantum similarity measures tuned QSAR: An antitumoral family validation study

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178. D. Robert, R. Carbó-Dorca

On the extension of QS to atomic nuclei: Nuclear QS

J. Math. Chem. 23 (1998) 327-351 A


179. X. Gironés, L. Amat, R. Carbó-Dorca

A comparative study of isodensity surfaces using ab initio and ASA density functions

J. Mol. Graphics & Mod. 16 (1998). 190-196.A


180. R. Carbó-Dorca

On the statistical interpretation of Density Functions: ASA, Convex Sets, discrete Quantum Chemical molecular representations, Diagonal Vector Spaces and related problems

J. Math. Chem. 23 (1998) 365-375 A


181. L. Amat, R. Carbó-Dorca, R. Ponec

Molecular quantum similarity measures as an alternative to log P values in QSAR studies

J. Comp. Chem. 19 (14) (1998) 1575-1583 A


182. R. Carbó-Dorca, E. Besalú

A general survey of Molecular Quantum Similarity

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183. R. Carbó-Dorca, L. Amat, E. Besalú, M. Lobato

Quantum Similarity.

Adv. Molec. Simil. Vol. 2 pg. 1-42. JAI Press,(1998)  ISBN: 0-7623-0258-5   CL


184. R. Carbó-Dorca

Fuzzy sets and boolean tagget sets, vector semiespaces and convex sets, QSM and ASA density functions, diagonal vector spaces and quantum chemistry

Adv. Molec. Simil. Vol. 2 pg. 43-72. JAI Press, (1998)  ISBN: 0-7623-0258-5   CL


185. M. Lobato, L. Amat, E. Besalú, R. Carbó-Dorca

Estudi QSAR d'una família de quinolones utilitzant indexs de semblança i indexs topològics de semblança

Sci. Gerun. 23 (1998) 17-27          A


186. E.Besalú, R.Carbó-Dorca, J.M.Bofill

El mètode APT (Autoadjusting Perturbation Theory) de diagonalització de matrius

Sci. Gerun. 23 (1998) 29-38          A


187. D. Robert, R. Carbó-Dorca

Structure-property relationships in nuclei. Prediction of the binding energy per nucleon using a quantum similarity approach

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188. X. Gironés, L. Amat, R. Carbó-Dorca 

Using molecular quantum similarity measures as descriptors in quantitative structure-toxicity relationships

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189.R. Ponec, L. Amat, R. Carbó-Dorca

Molecular basis of quantitative structure-properties relationships (QSPR): A quantum similarity approach

J. Comp.-Aided Molec. Design 13 (1999) 259-270       A


190. R. Ponec, R. Carbó-Dorca

Chemical bonds from the condition of minimal pair fluctuation. Correlated Case

Int. J. Quantum. Chem. 72 (1999) 85-91         A


191. D. Robert, L. Amat, R. Carbó-Dorca

3D QSAR from tuned molecular quantum similarity measures: Prediction of the CBG binding affinity for a steroids family

J. Chem. Inf. Comp. Sci. 39 (1999) 333-344        A


192. R. Ponec, L. Amat, R. Carbó-Dorca

Similarity approach to LFER: Substituent and solvent effects on the acidities of carboxylic acids

J. Phys. Org. Chem.12(1999) 447-454        A


193. L. Amat, R. Carbó-Dorca

Fitted electronic density functions from H to Rn for use in quantum Similarity measures: Cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (II) complex as an application example

J. Comput. Chem. 20(1999) 911-920       A


194. K.D. Sen, E. Besalú, R. Carbó-Dorca

A naive look on the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem

J. Math. Chem. 25 (1999).253-257         A


195. D. Robert, X. Gironés, R. Carbó-Dorca

Facet diagrams for quantum similarity data

J. Comp. -Aided Molec. Design 13 (1999), 597-610     A


196. P.G. Mezey, R. Ponec, L. Amat, R. Carbó-Dorca

Quantum similarity approach to the characterization of molecular chirality

Enantiomer 4, (1999) 371-378,         A


197. D. Robert, R. Carbó-Dorca

Aromatic compounds aquatic toxicity QSAR using molecular quantum similarity measures

SAR and QSAR Environ. Res. 10 (1999), 401-422       A




198. L. Amat, R. Carbó-Dorca, R. Ponec

Simple linear QSAR models based on Quantum Similarity Measures

J. Med.Chem. 42(1999) 5169-5180         A


199. Gironés, X.; Amat, L.; Carbó-Dorca, R.;

Descripció de propietats moleculars i activitats biològiques emprant l'energia de repulsió electró-electró.

Scientia Gerundensis, 24 (1999) 197-208      A


200. Bach, A.; Carbó-Dorca, R.;

Aplicació de la Semblança Molecular Quàntica en la reducció de l'espai configuracional per a l'estat fonamental i primers exitats de l'àtom d'heli.

Scientia Gerundensis, 24 (1999) 183-196          A


201. Robert, D.; Carbó-Dorca, R.;

Anàlisi de procrustes i alineament molecular

Scientia Gerundensis, 24 (1999) 175-181      A





202. D. Robert, R. Carbó-Dorca

General trends in Atomic and Nuclear Quantum Similarity Measures

Int. J. Quantum Chem. 77(2000),685-692         A


203. Amat, Ll; Carbó-Dorca, R;

Molecular Electronic Density Fitting Using Elementary Jacoby Rotations under Atomic Shell Approximation (ASA).

J.Chem.Inf.Comput.Chem. Sci. 40 (2000) 1188-1198       A 


204. B.N. Plakhutin; R. Carbó-Dorca

Icosahedral symmetry structures with open-shell electronic configuration hN (N=1-9).

Physics Letters A, 267 (2000)370-378.       A


205. K. Sen, R. Carbó-Dorca

Inward Matrix Products, Generalised Density Functions and Rayleigh – Schrödinger Perturbation Theory

J. Mol. Struct. Theochem 501 (2000) 173-176       A


206.X. Gironés, L. Amat, R. Carbó-Dorca

Use of Electron-electron repulsion energy as a molecular description in QSAR or QSPR studies

J. Comput.- Aided Molec. Design 14 (2000) 477-485       A


207. D. Robert, X. Gironés, R. Carbó-Dorca

Quantification of the influence of single-point mutations on the Haloalkale dehalogenase activity: a molecular quantum similarity study

J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 40  (2000) 839-846        A


208. R. Carbó-Dorca

Per què les coses són com són i no com voldriem que fossin

R.Carbó-Dorca (Editor)

Ciència i pensament : Què és la Ciencia.Col.lecció d'humanitats Vol.9 (2000) pag. 7 - 101

Servei de publicacions de la Universitat de Girona                                                                  CLD


209. R. Carbo-Dorca, L. Amat, E. Besalu, X. Girones, D. Robert

Quantum Mechanical Origin of QSAR: Theory and Applications

J. Mol. Struc. Theochem 504 (2000) 181-228       A


210. R. Carbó-Dorca

A discussion on an apparent MO theory paradox

J. Math. Chem. 27 (2000) 35-41           A


211. Carbó-Dorca, R.;

Stochastic Transformation of Quantum Similarity Matrices and their use in Quantum QSAR Models Int. J.Quantum Chem.79 (2000) 163-177       A


212. Robert,D.; Amat,Ll.; Carbó-Dorca, R.

Quantum Similarity QSAR: Study of Inhibitors Binding to Trhombin, Trypsin and Factor Xa, Including a Comparision with CoMFA and CoMSIA Methods

Int. J. of Quantum Chem. 80 (3) (2000) 265-282       A


213. R. Carbó-Dorca

Quantum Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships (QQSAR): A Comprehensive Discussion Based On Inward Matrix Products, Employed As A Tool To Find Approximate Solutions Of Strictly Positive Linear Systems And Providing A QSAR-Quantum Similarity Measures Connection. Proceedings of European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering. ECCOMAS 2000. 

 Barcelona,11-14 September 2000 ISBN-84-89925-70-4 (2000)1-31.    CL


214. R. Carbó-Dorca, E. Besalú. X. Gironés

Extended density functions .

Adv. Quantum Chem. 38 (2000) 3-63         CL


215.Gironés, X.;Gallegos,A.;Carbó-Dorca,R.

Modelling Antimalarial Activity: Application of Kinetic Energy Density Quantum Similarity Measures as Descriptors in QSAR 

J.Chem.Inf.Comp.Sci. (2000), 40 1400-1407       A


216. Carbó-Dorca, R.

Quantum QSAR and the Eigensystems of Stochastic Quantum Similarity Matrices 

J.Math.Chem. Vol.27 No.4 (2000) 357-376       A


217. Robert, D.; Gironés, X.; Carbó-Dorca, R.;

Molecular Quantum Similarity Measures as descriptors for Quantum QSAR.

Polycycl. Aromat. Comp. (ISPAC17) 19 (2000) 51-71     A



218.Carbó-Dorca,R.; Besalú,E.

Quantum Theory of QSAR

Contributions to Science 1 (4) (2000) 399-422      A


219. Bach,A;Amat,L.;Besalú,E.;Carbó-Dorca,R.;Ponec,R.

Quantum Chemistry, Sobolev Spaces and SCF.

J. Math. Chem. 28 (2000) 59-70        A


220. Renners, I.; Carbó-Dorca, R.; Grauel, A.; Ludwig, LA.; Robert, D.; Gironés, X.;

Toxicity prediction by using genetically optimized B-Spline Networks Based on Molecular Quantum Similarity

Proc. of the 2nd Int. ICSC Symposium on Neural Computation (CD-ROM),Berlin, Germany, (2000).            CL


221. Renners, I.; Ludwig, LA.; Grauel, A ; Benfenati, E.; Pelagatti, S.; Robert, D.;

Carbó-Dorca, R.; Gironés, X.;

Modeling toxicity with molecular descriptors and similarity measures via B-Spline networks

Proc. IPMU2000, 8th Int. Conf. on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge Based Systems, Madrid, Spain, (2000)1021-1026.    CL





222. Gironés,X.;Robert,D.;Carbó-Dorca,R.

TGSA:a molecular superposition program based on Topo-Geometrical Considerations

J.Comp.Chem , 22 No 2, (2001) 255-263       A


223. Gallegos, A.; Robert,D.; Gironés, X.; Carbó-Dorca, R.;

Structure-Toxicity Relationships of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Using Molecular Quantum Similarity.

J.Comput-Aided Mol. (2001) 15(1): 67-80,        A


224. Carbó-Dorca, R.

Inward Matrix Products: Extensions and Applications to Quantum Mechanical Foundations of  QSAR

J. Mol. Struct. Teochem 537 (2001) 41-54       A


225. R. Carbó-Dorca, L. Amat, E. Besalú, X. Gironès, D. Robert

Quantum Molecular Similarity: Theory and applications to the evaluation of molecular properties, biological activity and toxicity.

Mathematical and Computational Chemistry: Fundamentals of Molecuar Similarity. 

(2001) 187-320 Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers     CL


226. Carbó-Dorca,R.;Besalú,E.

Extended Sobolev Spaces and Approximate Stationary Solutions for Electronic Systems within Non-Linear Schödinger Equation

J.Math.Chem. Vol.29 1 (2001) 3-19        A




Generalized one-electron spin functions and Self-Similarity Measures

J.Math.Chem. Vol 29 (2001) 41-45        A


228. Carbó-Dorca,R.; Karwowski,J.

Theoretical and computational aspects of extended wavefunctions

Int. J. Quantum Chem. 84, 3 (2001) 331-337       A


229. Besalú,E.;Gallegos,A.;Carbó-Dorca,R.

Topological Quantum Similarity Indices and Their Use in QSAR: Application to Several Families of Antimalarial Compounds 

MATCH-Communications in Mathematical and Computational Chemistry 44 (2001) 41-64 Editors M.Diudea and O. Ivanciuc Special Issue dedicated to Prof. Balaban.  A


230. Gironés,X.; Carbó-Dorca,R.; Mezey,P.G.

Application of Promolecular ASA Densities to Graphical Representation of Density Functions of Macromolecular Systems.

J.Mol.Graphics &Mod. 19 (2001) 343-348 (3-4)       CL


231. Gironés,X.; Carbó-Dorca,R.

Sobre les relacions lineals d'energia lliure: Mesures de Semblança Molecular Quàntica sobre Funcions de Densitat Electrònica Modificades

Scientia Gerundensis 25 (2001) 5-15        A


232. Amat,L.;Besalú,E.;Carbó-Dorca,R.

Identification of Active Molecular Sites Using Quantum-Self Similarity Measures.

J.Chem.Inf.Comp.Sci. 41 (2001) 978-991       A


233. Carbó-Dorca,R.

Inward Matrix product algebra and calculus as tools to construct space-time frames of arbitrary dimensions.

J.Math.Chem.30 (2001)227-245        A





234. Amat,L.; Carbó-Dorca,R.

Use of promolecular ASA density functions as a general algorithm to obtain starting MO in SCF calculations.

Int. J. Quantum Chem. 87 (2002)59-67       A


235. Ponec,R.; Gironés,X.; Carbó-Dorca,R.

Molecular Basis of LFER. On the Nature of Inductive Effects in Aliphatic Series

J.Chem.Inf.Comp.Sci.   42 ( 2002) 564-570       A


236. Besalú,E.; Gironés,X.; Amat,L.; Carbó-Dorca,R.

Molecular Quantum Similarity and the Fundaments of QSAR

Accounts of Chemical Research  35 (2002) 289-295      A


237. Gironés,X.; Amat,L.; Carbó-Dorca,R., 

Modeling Large Macromolecular Structures Using Promolecular Densities,

 J.Chem. Inf. Comput.Sci. 42 (2002) 847-852      A


238. Gironés,X.;Gallegos,A.; Carbó-Dorca,R.

Antimalarial Activity of Synthetic 1,2,4-Trioxanes and Cyclid Peroxy Ketals, a Quantum Similarity Study

J. Comp.-Aided Molec. Design 15 (2001) 1053-1063     A


239. Bultinck,P.; Carbó-Dorca,R.

Algebratic relationships between conceptual DFT quantities and the electronegativity

Chem. Phys. Lett. 364 (2002) 357-362       A


240. Gironés,X.; Carbó-Dorca,R., 

Molecular Quantum Similarity-based QSARs for Binding Affinities of several Steroid Sets,

J. Chem. Inf. Comp. Sci. 42 (2002) 1185-1193      A


241. Carbó-Dorca,R.

Density Functions and Generating Wave Functions 

Reviews of Modern Quantum Chemistry. Vol I,  15(2002) 401-412

A Celebration of the Contributions of Robert G. Parr.(K.Sen Ed)    CL


242. Carbó-Dorca,R.

Shell partition and metric semispaces: Minkowski norms, root scalar products, distances and cosines of arbitrary order

J. Math. Chem. 32(2002)201-223        A


243. Carbo-Dorca,R.; Besalú, E.; Fundamental Quantum QSAR (Q2 SAR) Equation: Extensions, Non-linear Terms and Generalizations within Extended Hilbert-Sobolev Spaces.

Intl. J. Quantum Chem. 88 (2002) 167-182.       A






244. Bultinck,P.; Carbo-Dorca, R.; Van Alsenoy, C.;

Quality of Approximate Electron Densities and Internal Consistency of Molecular Alignment Algorithms in Molecular Quantum Similarity,   

J. Chem. Inf. Comp. Sci. 43 (2003) 1208-1217      A


245. Amat,L.; Carbó-Dorca,R.; Cooper,D.L.; Allan,N.L.,

Classification of Reaction Pathways via Momentum-Space and Quantum Molecular Similarity Measures, 

Chem. Phys. Lett. 367 (2003) 207–213           A


246. Carbó-Dorca,R

Applications of Inward Matrix Products and Matrix Wave Functions to Hückel MO Theory, Slater Extended Wave Functions, Spin Extended Functions and Hartree Method, 

Int. J. Quantum Chem. 91, (2003) 607-617       A


247. Bultinck,P.; Carbó-Dorca,R.; Langenaeker,W.

Negative Fukui Functions: New Insights Based on Electronegativity Equalization,  

J. Chem. Phys. 118 (2003) 4349-4356          A


248. Gironés,X.; Carbó-Dorca,R., 

Erratum to "Molecular Quantum Similarity-based QSARs for Binding Affinities of Several Steroid Sets",

 J. Chem. Inf. Comp. Sci.  43 (2003) 1335-1336      A


249. Bultinck,P.; Langenaeker,W.; Carbó-Dorca,R.; Tollenaere,J.P.,

Fast calculation of quantum chemical molecular descriptors from the electronegativity equalization method.

 J. Chem. Inf. Comp. Sci. 43 (2003) 422-428                                                            A


250. Gallegos,A.; Amat,L.; Carbó-Dorca,R.; Schultz,T.W.; Cronin,M.

Molecular Quantum Similarity Analysis of Estrogenic Activity.,

 J. Chem. Inf. Comp. Sci. 43 (2003) 1166-1176                                                        A


251. Bultinck,P.; Carbó-Dorca,R.,

Molecular quantum similarity matrix based clustering of molecules using dendrograms, 

J. Chem. Inf. Comp. Sci. 43 (2003) 170-177                                                             A


252. Carbó-Dorca,R.; Bultinck,P.

Analysis of a general theorem concerning two non-commuting Hermitian matrices: quantum mechanical implications for ground and excited states

J. Math. Chem. 34 (2003) 75-82                                                                               A


253. Bultinck,P.; Carbó-Dorca,R.,

Negative and Infinite Fukui Functions: The Role of Diagonal Dominance in the Hardness Matrix,

J. Math. Chem. 34 (2003) 67-74                                                                                A


254. Carbó-Dorca,R 

El temps físic: El temps i la Humanitat. 

Llibres a l'abast. Ed. 62 , 380 (2003) 107-126                                                           CLD


255. Amat,L.; Carbó-Dorca,R.; Cooper,D.L.; Allan,N.L.; Ponec,R., 

Structure-property relationships and momentum-space quantities: Hammett σ-Constants, 

Mol. Phys. 101 (2003) 3159-3162                                                                            A


256. Gironés, X.; Carbó-Dorca, R.; and Ponec, R.,

Molecular Basis of LFER. Modeling of the Electronic Substituent Effect Using Fragment Quantum Self-Similarity Measures

J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 43 (2003) 2033-2038                                          A


257. Ponec,R.; Yuzhakov,G.; Carbó-Dorca,R

Chemical Structures from the Analysis of Domain-Averaged Fermi Holes: Multiple Metal-Metal Bonding in Transition Metal Compounds,

J. Comp. Chem. 24 (2003) 1829-1838                                                                     A

 258. Carbó-Dorca, R;

About some questions relative to the arbitrariness of signs: Their possible consequences in matrix signatures definition and quantum chemical applications.

J. Math. Chem. 33(2003) 227-244                                                                A


259. Niño, A.,  Muñoz-Caro, C., Carbo-Dorca, R.  and Girones, X.

Rational modeling of the voltage-dependent K+ channel inactivation by aminopyridines  Biophysical Chemistry 104 (2003) 417–427                                                         A


259bis. P. Bultinck, T. Kuppens, X. Gironés, R. Carbó-Dorca

Quantum Similarity Superposition Algorithm (QSSA): A consistent Scheme for Molecular Alignment and Molecular Similarity Based on Quantum Chemistry

J. Chem. Inf. Comp. Sci. 43(2003) 1143-1150                                              A





260.  Gallegos,A.; Carbó-Dorca,R.; Ponec,R.; Waisser,K.,

Similarity approach to QSAR. Application to antimycobacterial benzoxazines 

Int. J. Pharm. 269 (2004) 51-60                                                                    A


261. Gironés,X.; Carbó-Dorca,R.,

TGSA-Flex: Extending the capabilities of the Topo-Geometrical Superposition Algorithm to handle rotary bonds,

 J. Comp. Chem. 25 (2004) 153-159                                                             A


262. Gironés,X.; Carbó-Dorca,R.,

Molecular Similarity and Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships;

In: Computational medicinal Chemistry for Drug Discovery, Edited by P. Bultinck, H. De Winter, W. Langenaeker, J. P. Tollenaere.  

Marcel Dekker Inc.New York (2004) 365-385                                             CL


263. Carbó-Dorca, R.

Heisenberg’s relations in discrete N-dimensional parameterized metric vector spaces.

J. Math. Chem. 36(2004) 41-54                                                                   A


264. Carbó-Dorca, R.

Infinite-dimensional time vectors as background building blocks of a space-time structure.

J. Math. Chem. 36(2004) 75-81                                                                    A


265. Bultinck, P.; Carbó-Dorca, R.

A mathematical discussion on density and shape functions, vector semispaces and related questions.

J. Math. Chem. 36(2004) 191-200.                                                               A


266. Carbo-Dorca, R.; Bultinck, P

Quantum mechanical basis for Mulliken population analisis.

J. Math. Chem. 36(2004)231-239                                                                 A


267. Carbo-Dorca, R.; Bultinck, P

A general procedure to obtain quantum mechanical charge and bond order molecular parameters.

J. Math. Chem. 36(2004)201-210                                                                 A


268. Giralt, F.; Espinosa, G.; Arenas, A.; Ferre-Gine, J.; Amat, L.; Girones X.; Carbo-Dorca, R.; Cohen, Y.

Estimation of infinite dilution activity coefficients of organic compounds in Water with neural classifiers.

AIChE J. 50(2004)1315-1343.                                                                     A


269. Carbó-Dorca,R.,  

Non-Linear Terms & Variational Approach in Quantum QSPR     

J. Math. Chem. 36, 3 (2004) 241-260                                                           A


270. Carbó-Dorca, R

A discussion on the variable Wolfsberg-Helmholtz parameter, a new simplified Löwdin transformation and the characteristic structure of the transformed EHT Halmiltonian matrices 

Int. J. Quantum Chemistry 98 (2004) 26-32                                                   A






271. Carbo-Dorca, R.; Gironés, X.

Foundation of Quantum Similarity Measures and their relationship to QSPR: Density Function Structure, Approximations and Application Examples;

Intl. J. of  Quantum Chem.  101(2005)8-20                                                    A


272. Bultinck, P.; Girones, X. and Carbó-Dorca, R.

Molecular Quantum Similarity: Theory and Applications; 

Rev. Comput. Chem. Vol. 21, Eds. K.B. Lipkowitz, R. Larter and T. Cundari, 

John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken (USA), pp. 127-207, (2005).      CL


273. Gallegos,A.; Carbó-Dorca,R.; Lodier,F.; Cancès,E.; Savin,A.

Maximal probability domains in linear molecules,

J Comput Chem 26 (2005) 455-460                                                              A


274. Ponec, R; Bultnick, P.; Van Damme, S.; Carbó-Dorca, R.; Tantillo, D. J. 

Geometric and electronic similarities between transition structures for electrocyclizations and sigmatropic hydrogen shifts,

Theoret. Chem. Acc. 113 (2005) 205-211                                                     A


275. Bultinck, P. and Carbó-Dorca, R.

Molecular Quantum Similarity using conceptual DFT descriptors.

Invited contribution  J. Chem. Sci. 117 (2005) 425-435.                             A





276. Carbó-Dorca, R.

Deduction of Heisenberg relations and Schrödinger equation through the structure of 

N-dimensional parameterized metric vector spaces

J. Math Chem. 38 (2005) 89-101.                                                                 A



277. Carbó-Dorca, R.;

Nuclear Molecular Fields: A naïve perspective.

J. Math. Chem. 38 (2005) 671-676.                                                              A


278. Carbó-Dorca, R.;

Mathematical Elements of Quantum Electronic Density Functions.

Adv. Quantum. Chem. 49 (2005) 121-207                                                    CL





279. Carbó-Dorca, R.

A discussion on the Einstein-Podolski-Rosen (EPR) Effect in a unique wavefunction quantum mechanical framework.

J. Math. Chem. 39 (2006) 267-279                                                               A


280. Bultinck, P.; Rafat, M.; Ponec, R.; Carbó-Dorca, R.; Popelier, P.; 

Electron Delocalization and Aromaticity in Linear Polyacenes: Atoms in Molecules Multicenter Delocalization Index. 

J. Phys. Chem. A, 2006,110, 7642-7648.                                                      A


281. Gironés, X.; Carbó-Dorca, R.

Modelling Toxicity using Molecular Quantum Similarity Measures

QSAR Combinatorial Science 25 (2006) 579-589.                                        A


282.Bunge C. F., Carbó-Dorca R.; 

Select-divide-and-conquer method for large-scale configuration interaction.

J. Chem. Phys. 125 (2006) 014108.                                                              A


283. Chaves J., Barroso J. M., Bultinck P., Carbó-Dorca R.; 

Towards an alternative hardness kernel matrix structure in the Electronegativity Equalization Method (EEM).

J. Chem. Inf. Model. 46 (2006) 1657-1665.                                                  A


284. Ferro N., Gallegos A., Bultinck P., Jacobsen H.-J., Carbó-Dorca R., Reinard T.;  Coulomb and Overlap Self-Similarities: A comparative selective analysis of  structure-function relationships for auxin-like molecules.

J. Chem. Inf. & Modelling. 46 (2006) 1751-1762.                                         A


285. Ferro N., Bultinck P., Gallegos A., Jacobsen H.-J., Carbó-Dorca R., Reinard T.;  Unrevealed structural requirements for auxine-like molecules by theoretical and experimental evidences.

Phytochemistry 68 (2007) 237-250                                                                A



286. Bultinck, P.; Ponec, R.; Gallegos, A.; Fias, S.; Van Damme, S.; Carbó-Dorca, R.; Generalized Polansky Index as a New Means for the Quantitative Characterization of Aromaticity in Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. 

Croat. Chem. Acta, 79 (2006) 363-371.     A                                                                               


287. Carbó-Dorca, R.

Descriptors and Probability Distributions in MO Theory: Weighted Mulliken Matrices and Molecular Quantum Similarity Measures.

J. Math. Chem. 39 (2006) 551-591.           A


288. Carbó-Dorca, R.; Besalú E.

Generation of molecular fields, quantum similarity measures and related questions.

J. Math. Chem. 39 (2006) 495-509.           A





289. Bultinck, P. ;  Ponec R.; Carbó-Dorca. R.;

Aromaticity in Linear Polyacenes:  Generalized Population Analysis and Molecular Quantum Similarity Approach

J. Comput. Chem. 28 (2007) 152-160.         A


290. Bultinck, P.; Carbó-Dorca R.;

Comment on “Chemoselectives in Acetalization, Thioacetalization, Oxathioacetalization and Azathioacetalization 

J. Phys. Chem. A 111 (2007) 2640.          A


291. Carbó-Dorca, R.

“Theoretical Foundations of Quantum-Quantitative Structure-Properties Relationships”.

QSAR 2006 (Invited Contribution) 

SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research 18 (2007) 265-284.      A


292. Carbó-Dorca, R.

On Einstein-Podolski-Rosen (EPR) Paradox

J. Math. Chem. 41 (2007) 209-215.          A


293. Carbó-Dorca R., Van Damme S.; 

Solutions to the Quantum QSPR problem in molecular spaces. Hommage to Prof. S. Fraga.; (Invited contribution); 

Theor. Chem. Acc. 118 (2007) 673                A


294. Bultinck P., Frias S., Van Alsenoy C., Ayers P. W., Carbó-Dorca R.;

Critical thoughts in computing atom condensed Fukui functions;

J. Chem. Phys. 127 (2007) 034102.         A





295. Carbó-Dorca R., Van Damme S.; 

Riemann spaces, molecular density function semispaces, quantum similarity measures and quantum quantitative structure-properties relationships (QQSPR); Hommage to Dr. J. J. Bonet (Invited Contribution); 

Afinidad. 64 (2007)  147-153.         A


296. Carbó-Dorca R., Van Damme S.; 

A new insight on the Quantum Quantitative Structure-Properties Relationships (QQSPR). Invited main lecture QUITEL 33 (La Habana) ;   

Intl. J. Quantum Chem. 108 (2007) 1721-1734.      A





297. Carbó-Dorca, R.

Mathematical Aspects of the LCAO MO First Order Density Function (1): Atomic Partition, Metric Structure and Practical Applications; 

J. Math. Chem. 43 (2008) 1076 – 1101.        A


298. Carbó-Dorca, R

Mathematical Aspects of the LCAO MO First Order Density Function (2): Relationships between Density Functions; 

J. Math. Chem.43 (2008) 1102-1118.         A


299. Carbó-Dorca, R; Bultinck, P.

Mathematical Aspects of the LCAO MO First Order Density Function (3): A General Localization Procedure; 

J. Math. Chem. 43 (2008) 1069-1075.        A


300. Carbó-Dorca, R; 

A Quantum Similarity Matrix Aufbau Procedure. 

J. Math. Chem. 44 (2008) 228–234.        A


301.Carbó-Dorca R.

Riemmanian 3D Molecular Spaces

J. Math. Chem. 44 (2008) 286-300.        A


302. Carbó-Dorca, R.

Molecular Quantum Similarity Measures in Minkowski Metric Vector Semispaces.

J. Math. Chem. 44 (2008) 628-636            A


303. Carbó-Dorca, R.; Diagonal coefficient representation of density functions and quantum similarity measures.

J. Math. Chem.  44 (2008) 621-627        A


304. Carbó-Dorca, R 

Smooth Function Topological Structure Descriptors based on Graph-Spectra

J. Math. Chem. 44 (2008) 373-378.        A



305. Ramon Carbó-Dorca, Ana Gallegos, Ángel J. Sánchez

Notes on Quantitative Structure-Properties Relationships (QSPR) (1): A discussion on a QSPR dimensionality paradox (QSPR DP) and its quantum resolution

J.  Comput. Chem. 30 (2008) 1146-1159.       A







306. Ramon Carbó-Dorca, Ana Gallegos

Expectation value averages of size consistent Hermitian operators and the definition of Fukui functions

Intl. J. Quantum Chem. 109 (2009) 2356-2364                                              A


307. Poater A., Gallegos A., Carbó-Dorca R., Poater J., Solà M., Cavallo L., Worth A. P.;

Modelling structure-properties of nanoneedles: a journey towards nanomedicine.

J. Comp. Chem. 30 (2009) 275-284                                                  A


308. Ramon Carbó-Dorca, Ana Gallegos

Notes on Quantitative Structure-Properties Relationships (QSPR) (2): The role of the number the atoms as a molecular descriptor.

J. Comp. Chem.  30 (2009) 2099-2104                                                                                 A


309. Ramon Carbó-Dorca

SHHHH! Sobre la evaluación científica. 

Nueva  21 de Febrero 2009.                                                                                ADón_carbó-dorca&como=2.


310. Bultinck P., Van Damme S., Carbó-Dorca R.;

Molecular quantum similarity

(Invited Cotribution) In: Chattaraj P. (Editor) Theory of  Chemical Reactivity

(A Density Functional View)

Chapter 16 (pp.229-242)

Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton (2009)                                                                                    CL


311. Carbó-Dorca, R. , Gallegos, A.

Quantum Similarity and Quantum QSPR (QQSPR)

(Invited contribution) Entry: 176

In Meyers, Robert (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, 

Vol 8, pp 7422-7480. Springer New York.

 (2009) ISBN: 978-0-387-75888-6                                                                                      CL


312. E. Estrada, R. Carbó-Dorca

Extensions and Foundations of the Continuous Symmetry Measure

MATCH  Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 62 (2009) 105-114                                            A







313. Carbó-Dorca, R. 

A monodimensional scientific performance measure: the h index, can be 

substituted by simple multidimensional descriptors?

J Math Chem 47 (2010)548–550                                                                              A


314. Carbó-Dorca, R.

LCAO MO First Order Density Functions: Partition in Monocentric and Bicentric Terms, Reciprocal MO Spaces, Invariant Transformations and Atomic Populations (special issue on conceptual DFT)

J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM) 943 (2010) 32–41.                                                    A


315. Carbó-Dorca, R.

Definition of norm coherent generalized scalar products and quantum similarity

J. Math. Chem.  47 (2010) 331-334.                                                                         A


316. Carbó-Dorca R., Mercado L. D.

Communications on Quantum Similarity (1): Density Gradient Quantum Similarity

J. Comp. Chem. 31 (2010) 2195-2212.                                                         A


317. Carbó-Dorca R.; Besalú E.

Communications on Quantum Similarity (2): A Geometric Discussion on Holographic Theorem of Electron Density and Confined Quantum Similarity Measures

J. Comp. Chem. 31 (2010) 2452-2462.                                                         A


318. Carbó-Dorca R.; Besalú E.

A Gaussian holographic theorem and the projection of electronic density functions into the surface of a sphere

J. Math. Chem. 48 (2010) 914-924.                                                                          A





319. Carbó-Dorca R., Besalú E.

Mathematical Aspects of the LCAO MO First Order Density Function (4): Notes on the connection of Taylor series of electronic density (TSED) function with the holographic electronic density theorem (HEDT) and the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem (HKT);

J. Math. Chem. 49 (2011) 836-842.                                                              A


320. Paul W. Ayers, R. Carbó-Dorca

The Relationship between the Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of a Similarity Matrix and its Associated Carbó Index Matrix

J. Math. Chem. 49 (2011) 6-11.                                                        A


321. Carbó-Dorca, R. ; Besalú, E. ; Mercado, L.D.

Communications on Quantum Similarity (3): A Geometric-Quantum Similarity Molecular Superposition (GQSMS) Algorithm.

J. Comp. Chem. 32 (2011) 582-599.                                                                        A




322. Carbó-Dorca, R.

Logical Kronecker Delta Deconstruction of the Absolute Value Function and the Treatment of Absolute Deviations

J. Math. Chem. 49 (2011) 619-624.                                                              A



323. Bultinck, P.; Clarisse, D. ; Ayers, P. W. ; Carbó-Dorca R.

The Fukui Matrix: A Simple approach to the Analysis of the Fukui function and its Positive Character 

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2011) 13, 6110–6115                         A



324. Besalú, E.; Carbó-Dorca, R.

The General Gaussian Product Theorem

J. Math. Chem. (2011) 49,1769-1784.                                                                      A



325. Mercado, L. D.; Carbó-Dorca, R.;

Quantum Similarity and Discrete representation of Molecular sets.

J. Math. Chem. (2011) 49, 1558-1572                                                                      A



326. Carbó-Dorca, R.;

Quantum Similarity, Volume Functions and Generalized Carbó Indices

J. Math. Chem. (2011) 49, 2109-2115                                                                      A        



327. Besalú, E.; Carbó-Dorca, R.;

n-dimensional Euclidian Space enfoldment

J. Math. Chem. (2011) 49, 2231-224                                                                        A



328. Carbó-Dorca, R.; Besalú, E.;

Geometry of n-dimensional Euclidian Space enfoldments

J. Math. Chem. (2011) 49, 2244-2249                                                                      A



229. Carbó-Dorca, R.; Besalú, E.

Construction of coherent nano quantitative structure-properties relationships (nano-QSPR) models and catastrophe theory

SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research    (2011) 22 (2011) 661-665                 A









330. R. Carbó-Dorca and E. Besalú;

Centroid Origin Shift of Quantum Object Sets and Molecular Point Clouds: Description and Element Comparisons.

J. Math. Chem. 50, (2012) 1161-1178.                                                                                 .A



331. Carbó-Dorca, R., Besalú, E.;

Shells, point cloud huts, generalized scalar products, cosines and similarity tensor representations in vector semispaces

J. Math. Chem. 50 (2012) 210-219                                                                                       .A



332. Besalú, E., Carbó-Dorca, R.;

Stereographic projection of Density Functions (DF) and the Holographic Electronic Density Theorem (HEDT) DOI:10.1021/ct2007567

J. Chem. Theor. Comp. 8 (2012) 854-861                                                                            .A


333. Carbó-Dorca, R.;

Scaled Euclidian distances: a general dissimilarity index with a sound geometrical foundation.

J. Math. Chem. 50 (2012) 734-740                                                                                       .A



334. Carbó-Dorca, R.;

Symmetrical overlap transformations of function basis sets: the LCAO MO and quantum similarity practical cases.

J. Math. Chem. 50 (2012) 741-751                                                                                       .A



335. Carbó-Dorca, R. and Besalú, E.;

On the nature of Atomic Shell Approximation (ASA) Electrostatic Molecular Potentials (EMP)

J. Math. Chem. 50 (2012) 981-988                                                                                       .A


336. Carbó-Dorca, R.

“Quantum Similarity”

in Concepts and Methods in Modern Theoretical Chemistry, Volume 1, S. K. Ghosh and P. K. Chattaraj (Eds.). Taylor & Francis.                                                                                          .CL



337. Carbó-Dorca, R.

“Quantum similarity matrices column set as holograms of DF molecular point clouds”

J. Math. Chem. 50 (2012)  2339-2341

DOI: 10.1007/s10910-012-0034-6                                                                                      .A





338. Carbó-Dorca, R.


Versión Castellana/ Castillan Version

“Sobre el mal de Alzheimer y otros temas de la ciencia contemporánea”

Nueva Tribuna  31 de Julio de 2012                                                                                      .AD

Versió Catalana/ Catalan Version

“ Sobre el mal d’Alzheimer i altres temes de la ciència contemporània”

Diari de Girona 3 de Setembre de 2012                                                                                 .AD


339. R. Carbó-Dorca

“Mathematical Aspects of the LCAO MO First Order Density Function (5): centroid shifting of MO ShF basis set, properties and applications”

IQC Technical Report TR-2012-7

J. Math. Chem. (2012) DOI 10.1007/s10910-012-0083-x                                                   .A


340. Ramon Carbó-Dorca, Emili Besalú

EMP as a Similarity Measure: a geometric point of view”

IQC Technical Report TR-2012-9

J. Math. Chem. (2012) DOI: 10.1007/s10910-012-0089-4                                                  .A


341. R. Carbó-Dorca

“Collective Euclidian Distances and Quantum Similarity”

IQC Technical Report TR-2012-6

J. Math. Chem. (2012) DOI: 10.1007/s10910-012-0086-7                                                  .A


342. R. Carbó-Dorca

“About the concept of Chemical Space: a concerned reflection on some trends of modern scientific thought within theoretical chemical lore”

IQC Technical Report TR-2012-8

J. Math. Chem. (2012) DOI: 10.1007/s10910-012-0091-x                                                   .A

343. Carbó-Dorca, R.

“Position-momentum Heisenberg uncertainty in Gaussian enfoldments of Euclidian space” IQC Technical Report TR-2012-2

J. Math. Chem. (2012) DOI: 10.1007/s10910-012-0094-7                                                  .A


344. R. Carbó-Dorca, E. Besalú,

“Function Extended Spaces”

IQC Technical Report TR-2012-4

J. Math. Chem. (2012) DOI 10.1007/s10910-012-0110-y                                                   A







345. R. Carbó-Dorca

“Simple Comparison of Atomic Population and Shape Atomic Populations Distributions between two molecular structures with a coherent number of atoms”

IQC Technical Report TR-2012-5

J. Math. Chem. (2012) DOI: 10.1007/s10910-012-0116-5                                                   A


346. R. Carbó-Dorca

“Notes on Quantitative Structure-Properties Relationships (QSPR) (3):  Density Functions Origin Shift as a Source of Quantum QSPR (QQSPR) Algorithms in Molecular Spaces”

IQC Technical Report TR-2012-11

J. Comp. Chem. (2012) DOI:  10.1002/jcc.23198                                                                 A


347. R. Carbó-Dorca

“Triple Density Quantum Similarity Measures and the Tensorial Representation of Quantum Object Sets” In: Quantum Chemistry: Theory and Practice”, Volume 2; T. Chakraborty (Editor) Apple Academic Press & Distributed by Taylor & Francis Group, USA.               CL


348. R. Carbó-Dorca

 “A naïve geometrical perspective of Fukui functions: definition of Fukui function skew symmetric matrices described on density function sets”

IQC Technical Report TR-2012-10

J. Math. Chem. (2012) DOI:   10.1007/s10910-012-0120-9                                                A


349. R. Carbó-Dorca

Versió Catalana/ Catalan Version

“L’Origen del Mal i la Teoria de Catàstrofes”

Diari de Girona 10 de Novembre de 2012                                                                                                        AD






350. E. Besalú, R. Carbó-Dorca;

“Softened Electrostatic Molecular Potentials”

DOI: 10.1016/j.jmgm.2012.10.006

J. Mol. Graph. Mod.    39 (2012) 39-49.                                                                               .A




Acceptats / Accepted/ Aceptados


Carbó-Dorca, R.; Besalú, E.;

“Molecular Quantum Similarity and Quantitative Structure-Property Relationships”

Springer Verlag (New York)                                                                                      Book





Enviats / Submitted/ Enviados




R. Carbó-Dorca

“Enfolded conformational spaces: definition of the chemical quantum mechanical multiverse under Born-Oppenheimer approximation”

IQC Technical Report TR-2012-12

J. Math. Chem.                                                                                                                      A


R. Carbó-Dorca

“On Density Function Coordinate Matrix”

IQC Technical Report TR-2012-13

J. Math. Chem.                                                                                                                      A


R. Carbó-Dorca

“Variational principle, Hohenberg-Kohn Theorem and Density Function origin Shifts”

IQC Technical Report TR-2012-14

J. Math. Chem.                                                                                                                      A






Carbó-Dorca, R.

Mathematical Aspects of the LCAO MO First Order Density Function (6): Orthogonal atomic densities; 

J. Math. Chem.


Carbó-Dorca, R 

Mathematical Aspects of the LCAO MO First Order Density Function (7): Atomic charges using the Minkowski metric structure of first order LCAO MO density function; 

J. Math. Chem.


Carbó-Dorca, R 

Mathematical Aspects of the LCAO MO First Order Density Function (8): Density Partition and the Operator of the Complete Sum of a Vector; 

J. Math. Chem.